"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nitrates And Nitrites

Bacon, sausages, hot dogs, bologna, salami, corned beef, ham, jerky and other meats and fish that are cured or smoked all have one thing in common... nitrites.

And get this... Much to my surprise... Green leafy vegetables and root vegetables (cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, carrots, parsnips, etc) provide us with the majority of nitrate consumption.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 2

2 weeks in. I hope everyone is getting used to the change in eating. If you have noticed a decrease in your performance, hopefully this will be the week where that gets turned around. It does take some time for the body to adjust to the new energy source.

Do you find things are getting easier (i.e. less sugar cravings, caffeine headaches, etc.)? Are you feeling more energetic?

Let us know how things are going

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Drive-Thru Diet Taco Bell

I remember seeing a couple of commercials recently with regards to Taco Bell having a drive-thru diet menu. I thought to myself, "WTF? How the hell can fast food be 'diet food'. Not even Subway is diet food and that is probably one of the healthier choices of fast food joints out there.

The reason this topic came up is a result of checking out Mark Sisson's website. He composed a letter, which I hope he sent to Taco Bell, that had ideas for Taco Bell to consider.

Click on the following link to check it out: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/an-open-letter-to-taco-bell

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 1

Week 1 is finally complete. How is everyone feeling? I'm sure the first few days were a little tough. Feeling hungry a lot of the time, headaches, maybe even a little lethargic. The hard part is over! Now that your body is getting used to the better choices in foods and even calorie restriction (Zone challengers) things should start getting better.

Check out the poll on the right side to cast your vote on how you feel.

What has been the hardest part so far? What have you done, or did you do anything, to overcome this hardship?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Paleo In A Nutshell

I was checking out some CrossFit sites, yes I know I lead a 'fun and exciting' life, and came across this from CrossFit San Ramon. A creative way of explaining Paleo.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Out with the old and in with the new! The time has fallen upon us to change our ways of eating. No more gorging. Time to focus on good quality food and limiting intake. Hopefully every enjoys this challenge and can continue it long after the challenge is over.

There may be a modification as to how the workouts will play out. For sure we will be doing the CrossFit Total. But time may become a factor. We shall see.

Best of luck to everyone in the challenge. And most importantly, enjoy it!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

T Minus 1 Day

One more day until the reformation of your body and hopefully the rest of your life. Let's hope that participating in this challenge will help us clean up our current diets so we can go faster, be stronger, and, most importantly live life healthier. If any of us are currently on medications for things such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc..., maybe at the end of this we can go to our family physician and have our blood work done and blood pressure checked (amongst other things). There may only be a small change in things and dosages may be lessened. But we all need to start somewhere. And, who knows, maybe after a few months we can possibly be weened off the medications and live a life without them.

Best of luck to everyone during this challenge. It will probably be very difficult, at first, to resist the temptation of sugary products, processed foods, enrinched flour products. Try to be strong. I know you all have that ability. Hell, you put up with Andrew's WODs every day. Participating and completing those WODs definitely makes you strong both physically and mentally. And everyone demonstrates those skills.

Eat well. Play hard. Get plenty of sleep.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Nutrition Challenge Info

Nutrition challenge at CrossFit Kingston. Click here for more information.
PALEO LIST - a little modification to the link in the FAQs

Here we go!!! The time is upon us. Let's have fun. Click here to post comments, questions, etc. The WODs
Are there any goals you wish to achieve at CrossFit Kingston? Click here

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Goals

Goal setting allows you to bring out the best that you can be. When these goals are achieved, the confidence in your ability increases allowing you to surpass these goals and get what you want out of life. The more often you think about the goals, the more you will think about ways to achieve it. Most people have a problem setting their own goals. When this happens, their goals are determined by other people. And a lot of times these goals are unattainable.

JANUARY 1, 2010


I'm looking forward to training with everyone in the New Year. I see big things being done at CrossFit Kingston by all the athletes. Let's keep pushing hard and take it to the next level!

Best of luck to all in 2010!