"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Whole 9 Seminar

*image from CrossFit Generation*

5 of us from CrossFit Kingston attended the Whole 9 Nutrition Workshop yesterday (July 24, 2010) and they did not disappoint. Melissa and Dallas are very knowledgeable in this field and were able to make the content very easy to understand so everyone could follow along. Their main focus on this seminar was to educate us in making smarter nutritional choices for long-term health as opposed to short-term goals. Despite the constant flow of sweat trickling down my spine all morning it was very enjoyable.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Carbohydrates (Part 2)

Now that we have a better understanding of what carbohydrates (CHOs) are, we can now focus on the quality of CHOs. Not all CHOs are created equal. Each one contains its own set of vitamins and minerals. How it exerts its effect on blood sugar levels differs as well. The glycemic index (GI) determines how quickly blood sugar levels rise after CHO consumption.

What is the GI?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Paleo Commercial

Once again digressing from my 'Carbohydrate Part 2' post. Sigh... I'll get to it some day.

Great commercial. I know that registration for the certification is pending but if anyone ever stumbles on foods with the label shown on the right in Canada, post where you have seen it in the comment section.

Monday, July 5, 2010


I know I'm diverting and putting off my 'Carbohydrate Part 2' post but I thought this was just hilarious coming from CBC. I thought sports people were supposed to stay objective about things. Unless you're Don Cherry. I'll post the article and a link to the article. The video at the end of the post is not from CBC.Gotta love soccer, errr... I mean, football players.