"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

T Minus 1 Day

One more day until the reformation of your body and hopefully the rest of your life. Let's hope that participating in this challenge will help us clean up our current diets so we can go faster, be stronger, and, most importantly live life healthier. If any of us are currently on medications for things such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc..., maybe at the end of this we can go to our family physician and have our blood work done and blood pressure checked (amongst other things). There may only be a small change in things and dosages may be lessened. But we all need to start somewhere. And, who knows, maybe after a few months we can possibly be weened off the medications and live a life without them.

Best of luck to everyone during this challenge. It will probably be very difficult, at first, to resist the temptation of sugary products, processed foods, enrinched flour products. Try to be strong. I know you all have that ability. Hell, you put up with Andrew's WODs every day. Participating and completing those WODs definitely makes you strong both physically and mentally. And everyone demonstrates those skills.

Eat well. Play hard. Get plenty of sleep.