"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 2

Good morning everyone! Day 2 at the Canadian Regionals is upon us and it's snowing. Again! WTF??? It's almost June. Anyway...

Here is a little clip of my hotel room.

Event #2 is the snatch complex.
3 sets max weight (10 minute time limit)
Snatch grip deadlift
Snatch - can be muscle, power, full
Overhead squat
Snatch - must be full

25 seconds to complete all for lifts then 2:35 rest

Result: 165# (I caught 185# at the bottom of the snatch but lost my balance backwards)

Event 3
4 rounds for time (15 minute time limit)
35 wall balls (20/14 to 10 ft target)
20 pull-ups (chin over vertical plane of bar)

Result: 13:15 (I wanted to quit this WOD at the end of round 2 and wanted to cry during round 3. One of the hardest WODs I have ever done. Very humbling.)

Today is gonna burn the shoulders out pretty good.


Sandra said...

"you call that snow? Why in my day we had to trudge through 25' drifts, uphill bothways, just to get to the kitchen!!" hahaha Have a great day Dawson - hope you can hear me cheering :)

Ellie said...

Hey Dawson,

I've been watching the results page, haven't seen the update from WOD#2, but I'm sure that one would have been better suited to our style of training and your strengths..we are all cheering for you!! Hope you took some arnica with you...ha ha.

Ellie said...

woo hoo...that one moved you up there!! Way to go Dawson!