"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fish Oil

I know a lot of people may have questions with regards to fish oil. Is it beneficial to take? How much should I take? Am I taking too much or too little? Well, the website which I frequent, Whole Nine, has developed a calculator long with Robb Wolf to determine how much fish oil you should be taking. Well worth checking out. According to the calculator, I haven't been taking enough. According to my naturopathic doctor, I am taking too much. Ohhhh the confusion!!!!! I guess I might just stay where I am then. Right in the middle. That way I can be wrong in both of their eyes.

Also check out the article on the fish oil calculator.


Sandra said...

hahahaha.... I know I shouldn't laugh but "Ohhh the confusion!!!!!" about supplements (fish oil). I too am often caught in the middle of an information tug-of-war. The wellness industry is rife with opposing views. What is a body to do? .... I will choose my sources ( a select few) and run the course...... decision made!! :)