Greetings everyone from Calgary! I arrived yesterday around 14:15 local time (16:15 Eastern). Everything went smoothly as far as traveling went. Although waiting at Toronto International Airport for 4 hours seem to drag on.
While it was 33 degrees Celcius (91 degrees Fahrenheit) back home it was cool and cloudy in Calgary with a bomby temperature of 14 C (57 F). Heck, it was warmer in Kingston, ON at 0700 than midday in Calgary. I miss the heat already. Although it will make the workouts a little more tolerable this weekend.
Speaking of workouts, if you haven't heard or seen what they are they are below:
Event 1 (Friday night) - weather: high of 5 C (41 F) wet snow changing to rain
For time
6.7km street and trail run
Event 2 (Saturday morning) - weather: high of 6 C (43 F) cloudy
3 sets max weight (10 minute time limit)
Snatch grip deadlift
Snatch - can be muscle, power, full
Overhead squat
Snatch - must be full
25 seconds to complete all for lifts then 2:35 rest
Event 3 (Saturday afternoon)
4 rounds for time (15 minute time limit)
35 wall balls (20/14 to 10 ft target)
20 pull-ups (chin over vertical plane of bar)
Event 4 (Sunday morning) - weather: 11 C (52 F) cloudy
For time (10 minute time limit)
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees
Event 5 (Sunday afternoon)
For time
12 tire flips (jump in and out of tire after each flip)
6 clean & jerks (135/95) - must be 2 distinct movements
Run 300m
9 tire flips
9 clean & jerks
Run 450m
6 tire flips
12 clean & jerks
Run 600m
So there you have it folks! I'll be touring around cloudy Calgary today and probably zip on down to Okotoks to check the town out. I have my touque, hoodie, and jeans all ready and raring to go.
Peace out!
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