"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Don't Quit

I don't know how many times I have watched people start to lift a heavy object, get it about 1-2 inches off the ground, then drop it. Or, they are doing a WOD and they break every 5 squats. Reasons... "That was heavy" or "My legs are starting to burn". No kidding!!! Of course the weight is going to be heavy! And yes, your legs, arms, abs, etc. are going to burn. It sucks. It sucks HUGE!!! But it's all a part of getting better, stronger, faster. The mind is a very powerful tool and it can take control of your workout not leading to any gains in strength or stamina. How many of you find yourself in either or both situation(s) mentioned above? My hand will be one of the first ones to go up with the second scenario. It has happened too many times. When this starts getting to be a repetitive thing, I go back to an article that Jon Gilson, of Again Faster, wrote back in January 2009. It inspires me to push the extra 2 or 3 reps when the muscles are on fire. It motivates me not to drop that weight just because it feels heavy. Next time you find yourself wanting to drop the weight or take a break. Don't. You will thank yourself for not quitting.


Sandra said...

I did it today!, I quit when I was trying to do a *V* pullup. I hear that little voice in my head saying "you can't " - I feel like s#*! after. I know it's a mind thing!

There is a tremendous feeling of accomplishment when you push till you can't go any farther then you push again.
Having athlete's/classmates shout encouragement to you during a WOD or when you are attempting something new helps you to push harder.
Don't Quit - I got to make that my mantra. - thanks Dawson for your help!!

Sandra said...

PS I ticked off the wrong box re:thoughts it should read informative!! sorry