"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

ARRRGGHHH!!! Stress (Part 3)

There are a number of social substances that some people take for granted and consider harmless. When, in reality, they contribute to the overall effects of stress. 3 of these common/popular substances will be briefly discussed.

Caffeine stimulates the entire body. Its effects can last up to 24 hours. It has been found that with as little as 1 cup of coffee, the body goes into a stress response because excess stress hormones are released from the adrenal glands and the pancreas secretes more insulin. Insulin lowers blood sugar further stressing the body by releasing more stress hormones to release stored energy. Excessive caffeine consumption can cause headaches, sleeplessness, and indigestion. Physical and psychological dependancy can be quite overwhelming. Some withdrawal symptoms include nervousness, irritability, tremors, sweats, and a rapid heart beat.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ARRRGGHHH!!! Stress (Part 2)

Now that we have a basic understanding on what stress is, time to see what it can do to the body. Stress can affect the body in 2 ways: mentally and physically.

Other than the psychological/psychosocial signs and symptoms indicated at the end of this article, finding a root cause or how stress hormones affect the brain is not well known. There are plenty of theories out there. But that's all that they are. Just theories.

When the body experiences any type of stress, a little endocrine gland (secretes hormones directly into the blood rather than through ducts) known as adrenal gland is stimulated. (For those interested, it is stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone which is secreted by the pituitary in the brain)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fish Oil

I know a lot of people may have questions with regards to fish oil. Is it beneficial to take? How much should I take? Am I taking too much or too little? Well, the website which I frequent, Whole Nine, has developed a calculator long with Robb Wolf to determine how much fish oil you should be taking. Well worth checking out. According to the calculator, I haven't been taking enough. According to my naturopathic doctor, I am taking too much. Ohhhh the confusion!!!!! I guess I might just stay where I am then. Right in the middle. That way I can be wrong in both of their eyes.

Also check out the article on the fish oil calculator.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

ARRRGGHHH!!! Stress (Part 1)

How many times have you felt like the guy in the picture above? I know I have been there. And, unfortunately, still am as I write this.

Every day, everyone experiences some type of stress. Whether it's the traffic jam going to work getting you hot-headed, deadlines, frustrations, exercising of some type (including sex), lack of confidence, even getting prepared for the CrossFit sectionals or games, etc. The list is endless. Stress is usually understood as being bad but that isn't always the case. The body does not differentiate between good or bad stress. To it, stress is stress. It can be such a debilitating "disease" that can go unnoticed for quite some time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mmmm... Water (Part 2)

Here is the continuation from Part 1.

So in Part 1 we discussed the body's composition with regards to water. Also, dehydration and how it can affect performance.

Many people detest the taste of water. Or even the lack of taste. A very easy solution to this problem... slice up some fruit and let it sit in the water container. Pour yourself a glass of water and enjoy! Another way is to enjoy a cup of tea. Some people are concerned with the caffeine content in some teas because caffeine has been found to exert diuretic effects. But it has been proven that the diuretic effect has little impact on the excretion of water.