"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." (Summation of Lance Armstrong)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Warming Up And Stretching

Today in the CrossFit Journal (CFJ), there is a great post by Bill Starr. Bill is a, Olympic weightlifting coach and has been for a number of years. He is a frequent contributor to the CFJ, and if you ever get a chance to read his posts do so. They are very informative and not too technical.

Today's post deals with warming up and stretching. He talks about the importance of both and how it can help improve your overall performance. He also provides a strategy to follow that involve 3 stages to the warm up. He then discusses the importance of stretching after a workout. The article finishes off with the different types of stretching and paying attention to over-stretching.

Check it out.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Agave "Nectar"

 Have you ever heard that agave "nectar" or syrup is a healthy sugar? Have you ever heard that it is supposed to help with the sugar levels in diabetics? Have you ever heard that it is a 100% raw or natural sweetener? I know I have. And I tried it. And it was good. Delicious for that fact. Then, one day I decided to investigate/research this delicious product. All I have to say is, "WHOA! What an eye opener!" And now, about a year later, I hope to pass on what I have discovered.